Fix For Microsoft Office Setup Error: Please uninstall all 32-bit Office programs – Office 15 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component

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Recently I was trying to install an additional Microsoft Office application, which was a 64-bit version of Microsoft Project. I had the Microsoft Office 365 click-to-run 64-bit version installed, but apparently it also installed the 32-bit version of the “Office 15 Click-To-Run Extensibility Component”. When trying to install Microsoft Project, I got the error: Please uninstall all 32-bit Office programs – Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component.

To resolve this issue, try the following steps:
– Go to Start > Run (or Winkey + R)
– Type “installer” (that opens the %windir%installer folder), make sure all files are visible in Windows (Folder Settings)
– Add the column “Subject” (and make it at least 400 pixels wide) – Right click on the column headers, click More, then find Subject
– Sort on the Subject column and scroll down until you locate the name mentioned in your error screen (“Office 15 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component”)
Right click the MSI and choose uninstall

Then try your installation again.

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