How To Fix OneDrive Error: This Office File Needs Your Attention

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If you use Microsoft’s OneDrive to sync your files across multiple computers or devices, then you might have ran into this issue before. I have Windows 10, OneDrive, and Office 2016. Recently, my OneDrive has been showing me an error, saying “This office file needs your attention” and wants me to open it in Microsoft Office to fix the issue. If it was only one or two files, that wouldn’t be a huge deal, but today, my OneDrive is showing that error for 58 files!

Luckily, the fix seems to be fairly simple, especially if you’re usually the only one to have your Office files open. Instead of letting Microsoft Office upload and sync the files, you’ll be using OneDrive. Here’s how to fix it:

1) Right click on the OneDrive notification icon.
2) Select Settings.
3) On the Settings tab, under General, uncheck the option “Use Office to sync files faster and work on files with other people at the same time.”
4) Click OK.
5) Exit and restart the OneDrive app.

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  1. Philip
  2. Johnny Nathaniel Green
    • Jon

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