Tech Tip: How To Enable AirPrint For Any Printer In Windows

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If you’re an Apple user, you might have heard about a feature called AirPrint, which lets you print wirelessly from your iPhone or iPad to an AirPrint-enabled printer. Unfortunately, not every printer supports AirPrint, and not everyone wants to go out and buy a new printer that does. With some trickery, you can install an AirPrint service on your Windows computer and basically share your printer with your Apple devices.


– iTunes and/or Bounjour installed in Windows
– AirPrint Activator IOS5 v2.6, available here
– Go into your Devices and Printers in Windows and share the printers you want available
– Enable the Windows Guest account (or you can use an Administrator account)

How To

– Unzip the AirPrint Activator from the link above and run the exe
– Click on the green Activate AirPrint button. After a few screen flashes, you should get a box that says “Aktivierung Erfolgreich”, meaning Activation Successful
– Add the program file path C:\AirPrint\Airprint.exe in your firewall program’s exclusions list or ignore settings to NOT be scanned or blocked by the firewall. AirPrint is the service that runs to communicate between iPhone’s wireless signals and printer.


– If your printers show a padlock next to them on your device, try entering your Windows username and password. You can also try using Administrator and the password for your admin account (as mentioned earlier). If neither of these works, go into your Services in Windows, double click the AirPrint service and select the LogOn tab. Here, put in your Administrator account and password and restart the service. This is what worked for me.

Open the following ports or add to ignore settings in your firewall program:

  • Port 9100 (TCP), port for network printers, for RAW Printing or Direct IP printing jobs.
  • Port 631 (TCP) port that needs to be open for the AirPrint service
  • Port 5353 (UDP). If Apple Bonjour software is installed, this port may not be needed but if you notice problems open this port as well!

-There are no printers found
Make sure your printer is network enabled or has “printer sharing” on. If your printer is too old or is not detected on your network, this software is not going to bring your printer online. Furthermore you need the port 631 unblocked and allow the Airprint.exe service in C:\AirPrint\ in your firewall.
If you have Windows XP, try this
Run command prompt, run:
netsh firewall show allowedprogram ENABLE
It will list all enabled programs. airprint.exe should be listed in there. If it’s not, run:
netsh firewall add allowedprogram “%programfiles%\airprint\airprint.exe” “AirPrint for Windows” ENABLE
It should say OK

– I have this problem
…\Temp/cupslite/cupslite – No such file or directory
Canon MP620 series Printer: DeviceCapabilities failed
You can solve by running the following command from CMD. This will recreate the airprint windows service with a special parameter
sc.exe create AirPrint binPath= “C:\Program Files\AirPrint\airprint.exe -s -d”
You should get a CreateService SUCCESS message
Then enter second command which will start the windows service:
sc.exe start AirPrint
The iPhone/iPad will find the printer, but it might be locked and require a user name and a password to work. The user name to enter here is the name of the user currently logged on in Windows (if you can’t remember, you can see all available user names for your machine using start -> settings -> control panel -> user accounts. Here, I added a password to my user (which previously didn’t have one).

– Printers are displayed but are not selectable (locked)
Enable another account or guest account in Windows and restart the PC and the IOS device. There is currently no other way to solve this problem than to enable another account or guest account. First try creating another account.

– Airprint still doesn’t work
Did you try restarting your computer? Did you create another account instead of Guest user? Did you recreate or check the AirPrint.exe service is working? Is Firewall blocking? Is your printer a very old model that doesn’t support wifi printing? Post your problem in the comments and maybe we can help each other out. Please remember to be detailed.

For some users, AirPrint.exe under C:\AirPrint\ would not start. Try opening the file “As Administrator” by right clicking the file. Or if still having problems, turn off UAC (User Account Control) in Windows 7 from Control Panel but this has never been needed.

-I have a problem with uninstalling
For some users, there are problems with the uninstall of AirPrint Activator. Doing the following should remove it safely:

Start Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator to start
Type in the following lines one after another and hit Enter
sc stop AirPrint
sc delete AirPrint
Then delete folder “AirPrint” in C:\ drive
Restart … and you’re done

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