Install MacOS Sierra 10.12 on VMware Player on Windows

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Earlier today, I posted an article to show you how to Install MacOS Sierra 10.12 on VirtualBox on Windows. Some of the process is similar, but I’ll walk you through installing MacOS Sierra on Windows using VMware Workstation 12 Player in this article.

To use VirtualBox instead of VMware, see how to Install MacOS Sierra 10.12 on VirtualBox on Windows.


First, you’ll want to download and install VirtualBox v5.x.

Next, you’ll want to download the VMDK MacOS Sierra image (choose one of the options below):
Google Drive (One Full):
Google Drive (5 of 5):

You’ll also need to download the patch tools here:

You’ll probably get a message about the download limit has been reached. If you have enough free space in your Google Drive, you can copy it into your Drive. Right-click on the file and select Make A Copy. Then click on My Drive in the left menu and download the image from your drive.

After you download the image, open the .rar file and extract the VMDK file.

Setup MacOS 10.12 Sierra on VMware Player on Windows

Patch VMware

Open Patch Tool folder then right click on win-install.cmd file, Select “Run as Administrator”.

Create Virtual Machine

In VMware Player, create a new virtual machine with the settings below:

  • Guest OS: Apple Mac OS X
  • Version: Mac OS X 10.11 or 10.12


Name and select a location for your Virtual Machine Disk:

Edit Your Virtual Machine

Click “Edit Virtual Machine Setting“, select “Hard Disk (SATA) 40 GB” then click “Remove

Click Add Hard DiskSATA, Click “Use an Existing Virtual Disk

Browse to download Image location C:..macOS Sierra.vmdk file then click Open


Edit VMX File

Browse to the directory that you used when you created your Virtual Machine. Right click on the vmx file then select Open with Notepad.


Copy and paste this code at the end of the file, then save it:
smc.version = "0"

VMware Tools

After you get up and running with your MacOS Sierra Virtual Machine, you can mount the VM Tool.iso file from the tools download at the beginning of this article. This will improve your mouse performance and some other VMware-specific enhancements.

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  1. Luiz Otavio Kehrig de Souza e Silva
  2. lse

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