macOS – Organize and Sort Launchpad

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macOS - Organize and Sort Launchpad 1

As I start to use a Mac more and more, there are little tips and questions that I come across. Recently, I noticed my Launchpad wasn’t very organized. I had some pages with only a few icons and there was no order to any of the icons. I know I can manually move them around, but this seemed tedious. After some searching, I came across a terminal command that works. I’ve tested it on macOS Sierra and macOS High Sierra.

Open the Terminal, and use this command:

defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

After you press enter, it will kill your Dock for a few seconds, then it will re-launch.

If you go back into the Launchpad, you’ll see that the first page has the default Apple apps, then the other pages will have your apps organized in alphabetical order.

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  1. Marcos C. M.
  2. Marcos C. M.
  3. Justin L. - KY
  4. LifeWulf

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